Beyond the Basics: Intermediate B&W  Photo Editing Workshop by Ken Allen of Brooklyn PrintWorkS

Thursday June 27
5:30 PM
7 Knickerbocker Ave, Brooklyn, NY

The group took their B&W photo editing skills to the next level! Your blacks are black and your white are white, but what about all the things in-between? There's still so much more you can do to improve your B&W images.

Ken Allen of Brooklyn PrinkWorks led an in depth instructional workshop on B&W photo editing. The 1 hour and 15 minute workshop was for intermediate film photographers looking to further grow their editing eye and skills. Participants critiqued images from the FREE FILM : NYC Exhibition and dissected how editing can make or break a photo.

Requirement to Participate: Laptop with Photoshop, Lightroom or equivalent photo editing software.



Brooklyn PrintWorks is a custom imaging and fine art printing studio. Their clients are photographers, artists, museums, and lovers of photography who value their depth of knowledge, investigative approach, and passion for the medium.